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Partnering for Empowerment

As well as funding and operating our own programs we are often called upon to share our experience and model developed over 30 years with other organizations and initiatives. Wellspring Karitas carries out and contributes to formational experiences, workshops and coaching to promote an awareness shift, foster community social skills and leadership development leveraging transformation of the causes of poverty in local communities. This can be seen as the best of all worlds; these are projects that already have funding, but they see the transformational effects of our model and methodology - in this way our impact goes many fold beyond what you can observe in our budget.  

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Here are just a few of those activities::

* Development, management and oversight of Rotary’s Agua Segura, Safe Water for Schools program. Three rainwater harvest, storage and purification systems have been installed in public schools in Tepoztlan, including the training of local management teams. (We have helped finance follow-up for this program as well).


* Intervention in the Pachamama Alliance Interser Journey (150 participants)


* Theory U workshops in Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala (100 participants)


* On-going consultation to the Circulo de Abuelas y Abuelos de Mesoamerica (40 participants)


* Intervention in Rotary e-RYLA (environmental Rotary youth leadership academy) (180 participants)


* Continual consultation for Rotary and Rotaract clubs


* Participation and moderation for the Pachamama Alliance Community Climate Action Training Series


* Presentation at the Climate Reality Project training (900 participants)


Facilitation of the Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium of the Pachamama Alliance


* Consultation and Design assistance of the Conciencia Ambiental YA (Environmental Awareness NOW) educational program of Jardines de Cuernavaca Rotary Club


* Formation of Community Environment Promoters in Tomatal, Guerrero and their project to save the Lake of Tuxpan.


* Support for the Minneapolis Foundation and Fundación Comunidad in the facilitation of Women’s Small Business Development projects in Axochiapan, Morelos.

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