Education Initiative
This program accompanies youth (grades 7 to 12) through the period when they are most likely to leave school to support their families. It provides the support and coaching to help them complete school equipped with comprehensive skills and prepared to be grassroots community leaders. Our education initiative is integrated into the work of two organizations "La Jugarreta and Caminando Unidos".
Caminando Unidos
La Jugarreta
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These are some achievements and innovations that have been obtained in the program.
- The participants have not dropped out of school and continue to the next educational level and most of them manage to improve or maintain their grades.
- They have improved their communication skills among adolescents and with their families, managing to solve their interpersonal conflicts avoiding violence.
- By improving skills such as time organization, they have been able to carry out multiple activities and complete their school tasks.
- Access to study materials has facilitated the completion of school tasks.
- They have significantly improved teamwork, achieving comprehensive management of collective projects of their interest.
- They have become involved and committed to the practice of sports and artistic disciplines that in some cases have continued outside the program.
- We have strengthened the alliance with a local funder that allows us to increase the number of participants in the program.
- We expanded the incidence by integrating more young people from the community to the group workshops.
- We carried out a four-month pilot experience offering emotional support for adolescents and family members who required it given the increased need.
- We visit high schools so that the participants can continue their studies and we follow up with them so that they can enroll.
“The program has helped me improve as a person, learn about the workshops, about the people and the food basket is of great help”.
Santo Domingo Ocotitlán,
teenager from the program.
"It has helped me in school to be more involved, the vouchers have helped me spend less money on things that I can buy with the voucher and socially I am much better at talking to people."
Barrio de Santo Domingo,
adolescent from the program.
"Thanks to La Jugarreta I have learned to have better communication with my children, to live with more people and learn from them"
Santo Domingo Ocotitlán,
mother of an adolescent in the program.

La Jugarreta
The Tepoztlán Youth Educational Accompaniment Program seeks to contribute in an integral way to the educational development of the teenagers from Tepoztlán who are studying secondary school to avoid the school dropout. To this end, it provides a group of 21 adolescents with spaces for artistic and sports workshops, life skills, walks, accompaniment in carrying out community projects and personalized tutoring. Their families also receive positive parenting and artistic workshops. It contemplates a comprehensive approach to the current educational situation, with the aim of achieving a direct influence on the factors that affect the educational development of adolescents. All the learning moments and accompaniment of the program closely follow each young person in their personal process of overcoming challenges that they confront in the educational process, in uncertain contexts and aggravated vulnerability. We also seek to strengthen their organizational skills, academic knowledge, self-esteem, and social relationships. The development of skills for the families is offered to accompany their children in this process, within the framework of empowerment and respect.
In recent years, despite the pandemic, we have managed to provide the committed hours of learning and accompaniment, seeking alternatives and above all, not leaving adolescents and their families on their own.

"While in the program, I have learned to use the computer, create masks, and I studied math, history, biology, and technology. What I have incorporated most is all I learned about computers. I like the many workshops, and the school support has also been very useful because when I do not understand something, the teacher explains it."
Marycarmen, 12 years old